Welcome Back!
I highly recommend watching this one over reading it because it involves me walking you through an exercise. You can find that HERE!
Do you find yourself struggling to get out of your own head? Do you find yourself overthinking things or being very forgetful? It may be time to learn how to clear your mind! Living in our heads is a HUGE way to relapse while healing, or honestly even make it hard to heal in general. This is where the enemy attacks us the most and can also be why sometimes it’s hard to hear from God. But more than anything, this is where we have spent the majority of our life developing false beliefs about ourselves and the world, so we definitely do not want to stay there if we are trying to grow and heal.
But how do we do this?
This is short but when applied can be very effective! For some, this could be simple as just taking some deep breaths. But for most this is going to mean disconnecting with our false beliefs and that protection mode we’ve been talking about. We will HAVE to disconnect with our insecurities. And, piggybacking off of the last blog, in order to hear from God, we have to be focused on Him.
It’s not just about removing the thoughts of “what’s for lunch”, but more about removing the thoughts of “I am not good enough” OR “I can’t do this”. Removing the thoughts and beliefs that cause us to hesitate, even when we know we heard from God. God speaks quick in the middle of the lie that you are telling yourself. You have to desire Him MORE than the need to protect yourself from your fears. It isn’t about if you can do it or not do it, it’s about will you allow God to do it or not do it.
Free yourself from those strongholds and burdens and allow yourself to just BE. Let yourself just sit with the Lord. Open your ears and your eyes emotionally. And then try this exercise:
- Physically close your eyes.
- Take Deep breaths.
In and out. In and out. In and out.
And imagine when you inhale you are breathing in God’s truth which is pushing out all of the clutter that shouldn’t be there with the exhale. You can do this because He is with you. It is just you and God.
As you exhale out doubt and fear, what do you see?
What are you and Jesus doing?
What is He saying to you?
This is where you live now.
Allow yourself to go to a safe place mentally. Where do you feel the most free? Is that near water? In the mountains? In your car? In the middle of the woods? (Music can also help with this.)
Take more deep breaths.
This is how you clear your mind.
And if you feel yourself being resistant to this exercise, ask yourself why. If anxiety starts to creep in, remind yourself that you are safe. Wrap your arms around yourself and pretend that Jesus has you wrapped in His love. I am here with you. He is here with you. You are not alone. This is a safe environment. Now just let yourself be still.
This is also a great way to allow yourself emotional or mental rest. And honestly should happen as often as needed! This is going to come in handy whenever anxiety tries to take control and pull you back into that protection mode. Remember, it no longer has control! You no longer have to live in protection mode. You have to decide what outcome you want and remember that anxiety will not take you there. Allow yourself to be ok. Allow yourself to breathe. And allow yourself to understand that God is reaching out for you right now to walk you through this situation. Awareness is key and now you have it! Now is the time for you to decide who is in the driver’s seat.
More deep breaths, friend.
Keep this tool in your emotional tool box moving forward. You will need it as we dive deeper into processing wounds. Practice this often! You may even do it right when you wake up and right before bed! Follow this up by repeating those truths from your truth board and your favorite scriptures! You’ve got this! Stay focused on healing and that awareness! And don’t stop making that choice to walk into who God called you to be every moment of every day! I am here as always if you need me! See you next week!